After about ten years of out-of-the-box campaigning with and for this group of marginalized workers, the campaign ended after thirteen years. This turned out to be the moment for us to make a publication of the most epic moments from those years.
Organizing in the Cleaning Sector 2006-2019
Client FNV
Detour was also responsible for designing a logo and visual identity that is now used worldwide and provided conceptual and strategic input for the campaign. Thanks to the campaign, cleaners now earn above the minimum wage and are the only professional group in the Netherlands that has had Labour Day stipulated in the collective labor agreement as a holiday. But above all, it was not about money, but a battle about values. About respect and appreciation.
de Vrije Wolf
Wolvenplein 27
3512 CK Utrecht
Marnix de Klerk 06 19446337
Nina Mathijsen 06 17570018