Within this framework, we help Het Humanistisch Verbond, part of Humanist International, to make you stand up for the climate. It doesn't matter if you don't know how. You don't have to come up with it all by yourself! How to start a movement will help you on your way. An adventurous mail project by artist Merel Smitt, in collaboration with the collective ‘de Onkruidenier’. Over a period of 19 days, you will receive 14 envelopes with instructions, (reading) materials, messages and traces of the movement that must be viewed, followed or carried out. Campaign and visual communication.
Client Humanistisch Verbond
de Vrije Wolf
Wolvenplein 27
3512 CK Utrecht
Marnix de Klerk 06 19446337
Nina Mathijsen 06 17570018